Based on our catering and restaurant experience, considering your expectations about food likes and requests, and the style of the event you are hosting.
Among some of the most delicious dishes from our signature menus for your event in Fairbury we have: Homemade chicken salad with a hint of Fresh Tarragon, Swedish meatballs over egg noodles, Red wine braised short rib, Inside Out Chicken Cordon Bleau, Pinwheel pork loin stuffed with apples, onions and provolone, among others.
We have been offering signature menus for your event in Fairbury for more than 20 years. Our fantastic and delicious recipe for success is passion for fabulous food and creativity! All of this using (of course) the freshest seasonal and local ingredients!
Plan a signature gathering that is uniquely your own, Blend the creativity of the Colleen´s Catering culinary team, exceptional service of our staff, and our renowned attention to detail into an unforgettable, personalized event.